Preschool and Pre-K
We care for each child according to their individual temperament and encourage them in a visually inviting and stimulating environment through developmentally appropriate experiences and activities. Oneida Area Day Care Center understands that every child learns differently and through a variety of different learning centers and media we touch on every child’s need. Each child's daily activities are documented (i.e. breakfast, lunch, snack, small and large motor skills, potty training, nap time and other daily developments). We enjoy our home-cooked breakfast, lunch and snack family style. Each child has their own cot / mat for rest time. We assist each child in hand washing, tooth brushing and potty training and as they progress through our center they will work on their self-help skills. Our children are assessed every 3 months to be sure that they are on track developmentally in all the areas listed below: Social/Emotional, Physical, Cognitive and Language.

At OADCC we begin our group activity with circle time; group discussion with the theme of the week, calendar, jobs, movement activities, story/flannel board, centers and art activities. To develop further small motor and socialization skills, Preschool and Pre-K use center-based learning. During this time the children are allow to move about independently which include: blocks, housekeeping, computer, art/writing, the activity table (activity based on theme), table choices, sand and water table, and a book/reading center. To develop large motor skills, we go outside for a walk, play on the playground or play in our social hall/indoor gym. The Preschool and Pre-K Teachers are trained in the Creative Curriculum Teaching Strategies.
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